Saturday, May 21, 2011

Project Aura

I've started getting loads fitter over the past year because of the hardcore cardio training involved in doing P90X. After seeing a friend posting his bike rides on Facebook with some random training app, I decided that I'd start incorporating some cycling in my daily routine. We have an exercise bike in the gym now after buying it off of my grandparents. I did 2km on it and felt pretty tired (I'd just woken up and not had breakfast!), so I'm going to train up and do some 10-20km rides this summer on my dad's racing bike.

I found out about Project Aura, and I now I really want it for the bike as riding in the evening will be much better because of reduced road traffic.

Obviously, I'll need to add front and back lights too. The cool thing is that it can change from red to purple to white depending on how fast the wheels are going.



Empty said...

Wow. cool. Nice idea. :)

JayPower said...

Keep up the good work man, is all worth it ;D

DRJT said...

Oh wow those lights look cool haha

I admit I don't do as much cycling as I should, especially because I live near an area full of fields, and a giant forest.

Unknown said...

That is really cool! I love biking, it's much more enjoyable to me than running.

R. Mot said...

Those are sick! Want so bad!

Anonymous said...

20km rides, make sure you have breakfast before going for it

ryelz said...

Haha looks great and would definitely stand out. Reminds me of Tron

Crooked Letter said...

breakfast will be important yes!

Anonymous said...

I would be slamming on the breaks just to see what kind of color changes I could get with the color changing lights. That's just me though.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea! I like the bikes in the video :)

omgigotnickedforprotesting said...

You got some sweet lights. I'm wondering about training for long bioke rides...what you gonna do? Gotta get them calves up but gotta get the stamina going too. Walking and rambling onthe horizon I think..

Carles said...

omg cool idea I'm mtbiker!

SeanExact said...

this is sick!!!! Its like so easy a fix but so awesome haha

Skankin_Pete said...

The lights look awesome! =)

Dola said...

interesting vid =O

Blogging Skater said...

you should also incorporate some strength training

The Boy said...

I don't know, they have some of the same tackiness of the ground-effect kits the kids in high-school used to put on their little Chevy cavaliers. Still, I'm all for bikes as primary transportation, so more power to you.

fit4life said...

cool stuff!

Tairaka1985 said...

Nice.... This is a really neat idea.

I figure since I'll be biking often in Japan, I could use an idea like this...

pv said...

whoa that was a sweet video to watch

MJ to IM said...

cycling is so much fun and such a great way to unclutter the mind. There is nothing more relaxing than riding at night

HiFi said...

Summer is here. A great time to get fit and look good!

Pinecone Stew said...

SUPER blog !!!

Have a great weekend.

Zombie said...

Now all I need to do is get me a bike! :D

Zach said...

That is freaking sweet!

irdumb2 said...

omg wtf so much want haha

i said...

Pretty cool stuff, reminds me of . I wanted to trick out my commuter bike, but I've since moved to the suburbs where bike commuting isn't really an option anymore :(
Bike riding is fun though - Nothing beats an early morning ride, the rest of the day seems so easy in comparison!

apothecarie said...

Biking is a cool hobby, and that bike was really interesting. The music in the video stressed me out though.

Trolske said...

Wow, looks amazing. I wonder if it's really that safe.

Unknown said...

Not only will those keep you safe, they will entertain people on physcadelic drugs at the same time.

Admin said...

It's good to be fit. You'll live longer.

Alt Gr said...

These are really cool. You should totally get it.

phosports said...

thats a cool video, i love riding

123 said...

i may just take up bicycling to use these when they come out, lol

Anonymous said...

So much win !

paulz said...

Very cool indeed. :)

zepdragon said...

That is awesome!

Sprightly Shire said...

I used to do cycling when i was small... Love the lights on the bike, I mite have to mod my bike like that... that looks awesome

crispykazza said...

Should do this myself.

Benji Radman said...

Very cool. The music track was awesome too !!

Jack of Diamonds said...

how lovely!

Triper said...

You are doing good thing, i wish you good condition!

Leo Stahl said...

That looks awesome!

Intraman said...

good luck with the cycling!

VersionDouble said...

thats a sick video, i love to keep fit!

miscellaneousmusicalmistakes said...

I love cycling, with some serious training you should be able to do 50 km in a couple of months.

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